I am R.Bharatiraja. I have studied M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil. I have been living in Villupuram district in Tamil Nadu, India. I work as a teacher. I am interested in education and technology. Due to this interest I have started a YouTube channel named TAMIL TECHNOLOGY and have been posting educational and technical information in it. I have also started a website called Education Repository to improve this task. This website has been created to share necessary information for teachers and students.Through the website I will post educational news especially for teachers and students.I would like to post study materials, subject based online exams required by students, and also various technical information that may be required in modern times to enhance the teaching and learning process. In addition to that, news related to the annual income tax paid by the teachers, etc. will be posted on this website.
Mobil no – 9976809323
E-mail – barathiraja.r82@gmail.com
Face book – https://www.facebook.com/groups/609307306287666
Twitter – https://twitter.com/BARATHIRAJAR82
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/TAMILTECHNOLOGY21
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kalvikalanjiyam_tamiltech/
Whatsapp no – 9976809323